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The Boost Challenge!

Which one of the following are really a part of Boost which are made up as a joke:

boost::none It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::addressof() It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::add(boost::one, boost::two) It's Boost! It's A Joke!
BOOST_ASSERT() It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::enable_shared_from_this It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::sqrt It's Boost! It's A Joke!
BOOST_DEFINE It's Boost! It's A Joke!
BOOST_MALLOC() / BOOST_FREE() It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::is_any_of(" ,") It's Boost! It's A Joke!
BOOST_FOREACH() It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::to_lower(*s) It's Boost! It's A Joke!
if (std::equal(this->filename.begin(),
this->filename.end(), DISABLED.begin(), boost::is_iequal)
It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::iequals(ipaddr, "null") It's Boost! It's A Joke!
critical check failed [1 != true] It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::tribool It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::spirit::ascii::space It's Boost! It's A Joke!
char c = boost::spirit::ascii::char_('c'); It's Boost! It's A Joke!
boost::fill It's Boost! It's A Joke!

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