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The 10 Commandments of Agile
- Thou shalt stop all work once a day for a period of time to stand
in the sacred scrum circle.
- Thou shalt not blab about bullshit that no one cares about during
the scrum.
- Thou shalt honor thy scrummaster.
- Thou shalt not touch, mark, or stick pins in the storyboard, for
the storyboard is a sacred place.
- Thou shalt only use Post-It brand sticky notes on the storyboard.
- Thou shalt not use Post-It notes which have sticky crap all over the back.
- Thou shalt not have a scrum bigger than 7 members, for 7 is a sacred number..
- Thou shalt never speak ill about Agile, for Agile is perfect.
- Thou shalt waste a day after a sprint for retrospective and planning.
- Thou shalt spread the word about Agile to everyone thou knowest.
The Deadly Sins Of Agile
- Making cards with large tasks instead of breaking them down into
smaller tasks.
- Peeling Post-It notes from the bottom instead of from the side
causing them to curl up when they are stuck to the storyboard.
- Putting developers on tasks they don't enjoy or aren't their
specialty. Just because there is an open task and a free developer
doesn't mean they should be put on that job. Use the developer that
makes the most sense by skills and by what the developer wants to do.
Happy employees are more productive, write better code, and tend to be
more loyal to the company.
- Putting developers in teams where they don't agree on coding
style and tools and such. (See Horseman 2 Of
The Scrumpocolypse)
- Editing or adding a new Post-It note on the storyboard after
the sprint has started. Post-It notes placed on the storyboard
should be considered READ-ONLY.
Coding Style Manifesto
There is also a coding style that all Agilists should use:
The Coding Style Manifesto

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